Earn . Connect . Contribute to Society
Partner with us to drive your own livelihood and more
How it Works
Book in just 1 tap
With our streamlined booking process, reserving your ride is as simple as a single tap. Just select your destination, confirm, and you're all set to ride with ease!
search best rides
Find the perfect ride tailored to your preferences. Filter rides by departure time, destination, and available seats. Our search feature makes it a breeze to discover rides that suit your needs.
In app messaging
Stay connected with your driver effortlessly. Our integrated messaging feature allows you to communicate directly within the app, making it easy to coordinate pick-up details, provide updates, or ask any questions .
Arrive safely
Your safety is our utmost priority. With our app, you can be able to track your route from start to finish. Rest assured, knowing that we've taken every precaution to ensure you have a secure and worry-free journey to your chosen destination.
Trusted Carpooling Service Around Rongai
Empowering Efficient Commutes, One Ride at a Time. Join our community-driven carpool system and experience a convenient, eco-friendly way to travel
community driven
Rongai Express
We Share Because We Care
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How it Works